
Helping Those Who Hurt

Helping Those Who Hurt

Last month Mike Ferguson thought he was doing a good thing, but the policeman didn't think so. Mike, a 36 year veteran ambulance driver was rushing a kidney from Leeds to Cambridge, England when he was pulled over for driving 104 mph. During his trip, he was stopped...

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Kidney Stones and Indwelling Sin

Kidney Stones and Indwelling Sin

I spent the past month battling with a kidney stone - ever had one? A man should never wish one on his worst enemy. Some women have told me that it is similar to having a baby. I've told them that can't be true or no woman would ever have more than one child. After a...

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In the House of Lords

In the House of Lords

During our recent ministry trip to England, Melanie and I had the opportunity to receive a private tour of the House of Parliament. We were thrilled to see private rooms not open to the public. It was a real privilege that we won't forget. One highlight of our visit...

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Spiritual Virus Protection

Spiritual Virus Protection

I have a subscription to a Broadband ISP for my computer, so that I can use the Internet without tying up my phone line at home. One day recently, I accidentally left home without logging off. When I came home at the end of the day, I discovered that my computer had...

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Rededication : A Subtle Form of Idolatry

Rededication : A Subtle Form of Idolatry

For years I rededicated myself to live for Jesus Christ. By rededication, I mean that I promised God that if He would help me, I would try harder to live for Him. In my understanding at the time, living for Him meant that I would behave in a better way. I would read...

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Wounded Soldiers

Wounded Soldiers

It was in the midst of the Iraqi War that a young American soldier made a foolish mistake that almost ended his life. It was a mistake that should never have happened. He should have known better. He had been taught the rules of engagement for battle. In Basic...

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Life in an Aquarium

Life in an Aquarium

Once when I was on vacation, I was sitting in a restaurant overlooking the beach. The water was a clear, blue and beautiful. I could see people snorkeling around a reef just off the shore line. I had been there myself earlier in the day. Beneath the surface of the sea...

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Who’s Your Daddy?

Who’s Your Daddy?

Over 20 years ago, I experienced a thrill that still leaves a smile on my face today as I think about it. Melanie and I have four children, all grown now. The first three all said the word, "mama" before I was ever mentioned. Not so with our youngest. I will never...

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