Our Team - Grace Walk Ministries

Meet The Team

Grace Walk is an international teaching and training ministry.

About Us

Hi, I’m Steve McVey, president of Grace Walk Ministries. I hope you find our web site to be a real encouragement to you in your own grace walk. Our ministry is a teaching and training ministry which exists for the purpose of sharing the life of Jesus Christ with others and to help Christians discover the freedom of their new life in Christ. We are honored that you want to visit us here. It is not easy to develop relationships over the Web, therefore we’d like to introduce ourselves to you in hopes we might get to know one another better. Each member of the Grace Walk team has a passion to share the sufficiency of Jesus Christ, not only for salvation, but for daily living. We have each experienced the bondage of legalism but have been transformed by coming to understand our identity in Christ and what it means to walk in grace. Consequently, He has given us a burning desire to see the body of Christ growing in grace as well. If you would like a member of the Grace Walk Team to speak at your church service or special event, please contact us at info@gracewalk.org and we will get back in touch with you to discuss the details. It really was for freedom that Christ set us free!! Let us continue to stand firm in that freedom and not impose a yoke of slavery upon ourselves or others!

Steve and Melanie McVey Photo

Steve & Melanie McVey

Steve & Melanie McVey

Steve McVey is the President of Grace Walk Ministries, a discipleship training ministry located in the metro Atlanta, Georgia area. He is the author of the books Grace Walk, (Harvest House, 1995); Grace Rules, (Harvest House, 1998); Grace Amazing, (Harvest House, January, 2001); A Divine Invitation, (Harvest House, July, 2002); The Godward Gaze, (Harvest House, 2003); The Grace Walk Experience, (Harvest House Publishers 2009); Walking in The Will of God, (Harvest House, 2009); Journey Into Intimacy (Grace Walk Resources, LLC 2008); 52 Lies Heard in Church Every Sunday, (Harvest House 2011); Helping Others Overcome Addiction, (co-authored with Mike Quarles – Harvest House 2012); Getting Past the Hurt When Others Have Wronged Us, 2013; Unlock Your Bible, 2013; The Grace Walk Devotional (Harvest House, 2013); Grace Walk Moments a Devotional (Harvest House, 2014); The Secret of Grace (Harvest House, 2014); and Beyond an Angry God ( Harvest House, 2014). Over 550,000 copies of Steve’s books have been published in fifteen languages. He and his wife, Melanie live in Atlanta. They have four adult children and four grandchildren.

Mike & Julia Quarles

Mike & Julia Quarles

Mike & Julia Quarles
Directors, Grace Walk Recovery Ministry

Mike and Julia Quarles are the Directors of the Grace Walk Recovery Ministry. They conduct Freedom From Addiction Conferences and Freedom From Addiction Workshops for churches and recovery ministries. Mike also conducts Freedom From Addictive Behaviors Basic Webinars along with an advanced webinar that goes through the Freedom From Addiction Workbook. The manual for the Freedom From Addictive Behaviors Basic webinar can be downloaded for free by clicking here. Mike struggled with alcoholism for years even though he was a seminary graduate and a former pastor. Julia struggled with codependency, controlling and perfectionism even though she was a Bible teacher and a speaker at Christian Women’s Clubs. Since they have found their freedom in Christ, their desire is to help others find their freedom by knowing that through the finished work of Christ they are dead to sin and freed from it. Mike and Julia have co-authored four books with Neil Anderson, Freedom From Addiction, the Freedom From Addiction Workbook, the One Day at a Time devotional, and Overcoming Addictive Behaviors. His latest book, Helping Others Overcome Addictions was co-authored with Steve McVey. Mike is an ordained minister and has a Master of Divinity from Reformed Theological Seminary. Mike and Julia have three grown children and seven grandchildren. They live in Atlanta GA.


Ron & Evelyn Swain

Ron & Evelyn Swain
Directors, Grace Walk Australia

G’day from the “Land Down Under” allow us to introduce ourselves to you, we are Ron and Evelyn Swain Directors of Grace Walk Australia. We are very honored and privilege to represent Grace Walk in the South Pacific and our prayer is that as the wonderful message of the Gospel of Grace is shared it will impact many lives with the freedom and rest in Christ. Ron and Evelyn were in full time Ministry for many years but in 1996 God changed their circumstances thus beginning their Grace Walk journey. During this time they came to the understanding that their Heavenly Father loves us all unconditionally and wants to have a relationship with His children based on not what we do for Him but what He has already done through the finished work of the Cross. Ron and Evelyn have a passion to see those that are hurt and disillusioned with their Christian experience, come to know Jesus Christ, not only for salvation, but for daily living. Their desire is to see the body of Christ come to an understanding of the Gospel of Grace and His amazing love for all. Ron and Evelyn are parents of one son and one daughter and grandparents of 4 boys.

Robinson Sadiq

Robinson & Gosheya

Robinson & Gosheya Sadiq
Directors, Grace Walk Pakistan
Pakistan on FaceBook

Robinson and Gosheya Sadiq are Directors of our ministry in Pakistan since 2011. They have two children, Sable a teenage daughter and a young son Yashua. Robinson has a business background and was a leader in a local church for many years. As he came to understand God’s Grace and his identity in Christ he was lead into full time ministry as our country Coordinator for Grace Walk. Since that time many things have happened Pakistan and surrounding countries. 10,000 Grace Walk books and 10,000 Overcome By His Love books have been printed and over 12,000 have been distributed under his leadership.

Robinson is preaching and disciplining people all over Pakistan and the message of the finished work of Christ on the cross is spreading throughout Pakistan. News paper articles have been written about him and Grace Walk in the two largest cities in Pakistan. Under his leadership, Grace Walk has gotten an NGO, Non Governmental Organization status. This is very difficult to get, but because we have it, we can legally hold meetings in Pakistan and operate as a legal ministry.


Craig & Jonni Snyder

Craig Snyder
Executive Director

Craig and Jonni have been married since 1976. They have four grown children and are expecting their eighth grandchild. Craig has been on staff with Campus Crusade for Christ, has been a pastor for 30 years and was also on staff with the Fellowship Of Christian Athletes.

Since 2001, Craig has been working with Grace Walk sharing the wonderful life of Christ that was given at the cross with people all over the world. He has traveled extensively in many countries as the Director of Missions for Grace Walk Ministries and has seen God establish new ministries with Grace Walk all over the world as people come to know their identity in Christ and their freedom in Him.


Gerardo & Gloria Vasquesz

Gerardo & Gloria Vasquez
Executive Director, Grace Walk Latin America

Gerardo Vazquez Lara is the Executive Director For Grace Walk Latin America and speaker of this ministry for Spanish speaking people. He is the author of the book, God Enjoys Us. Gerardo travels across Mexico and Latin America sharing the message of the grace walk in churches and pastor’s conferences. He is actively involved in ongoing training with these State Coordinators as well as Coordinators in other Latin American countries. He and his wife, Gloria, have two children, Gloria Abigail and Gerardo Jonathan. The Vazquez family resides in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico, where Grace Walk’s central office for Latin America is located. Twenty three thousand Grace Walk and Grace Rules books have been printed under one cover in Spanish and are given away in Latin America as a gift to the Christians in Spanish speaking countries. A Divine Invitation and God Enjoys You (by Gerardo Vazquez) have also been published in Spanish (4000 copies) and are given to Christians in Latin America.


Gerardo & Yamel

Gerardo Soberanis
National Coordinator, Grace Walk Mexico

Gerardo Soberanis first became acquainted with the grace walk message in 2002 at a conference in Acapulco when he heard Gerardo Vazquez preach. After the conference, he received a Grace Walk book and began an ongoing discipleship with Gerardo Vazquez. This journey ultimately led to his becoming National Coordinator for his country in January, 2006. Gerardo and his wife, Yamel have one son; Jonatan. They reside in Cuernavaca, Mexico.


Jose Colacilli

Jose Colacilli
Director, Grace Walk Argentina

Jose Colacilli is the State Coordinator for Grace Walk Argentina. He is married to Stella Maris and they have five children; Ariel Dar, Alejandra, Eliseo, Juan Ignacio, y Joaquim. They reside in Buenos Aires, Argentina.


Nate & Holly Smith

Nate & Holly Smith
Operations Directors

Nate & Holly Smith serve as the Operations Directors for Grace Walk Ministries (GWM). They reside in Scipio, Indiana and have five children. Nate and Holly are business owners in Seymour, Indiana, and they put their business skills to use in helping GWM build streamlined, scalable, and effective processes. Nate spent 12 years in the Army serving as an IT Director, and Holly worked for six years as a vocational rehabilitation counselor. Nate was raised in a Pentecostal environment, and Holly was becoming heavily entrenched in a Catholic environment. They were both deeply touched through Steve’s ministry as they made their exodus from religious bondage into the joyous freedom of living in grace.

Toshi photo 2014

Toshi Miyazaki

Toshi Miyazaki
Director of Training

Join us in welcoming Toshi Miyazaki to the Grace Walk Team. Please feel free to contact him about Grace Walk Groups or training events and materials through his email at toshi@gracewalk.org. Welcome, Toshi Miyazaki! We’ve prayed and waited for you to arrive for a long time!

From Toshi:
“I am Toshi Miyazaki. I became a Christian believer through my American family when I was 21 years old. I have been married to my bride Chiho and we have two sons. I have been in Christian ministry for more than 20 years as a pastor, counselor, and a student missionary. During my first 20 years as a Christian, I lived a legalistic life (doing my best with God’s help). It was very tiring and basically burned me out. In 2004, God started to show me my true identity in Christ, which is that I am holy and righteous, not from my efforts, but from what Jesus has already done for me at the cross. It was such a liberating and eye-opening moment to me. In 2012, the Holy Spirit started to show me deeper truths of who God is, who I am, and who other people are. He showed me the authentic and pure Gospel, which is that “. . . God was in Christ reconciling the whole world to Himself, not counting their trespasses against them, . . . be reconciled to God.” (2 Corinthians 5:19-20 NASB). I am learning to live from my heart and enjoying ever increasing intimacy with Our Father in Christ through the fellowship of the Holy Spirit. I am inviting you to join me in this awesome adventure with God!”

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